Note Takers Club (NTCs)

Fall:                                                      Winter:

BIOC 311                                     BIOC 212
BIOC 450                                    BIOC 312
BIOC 454

Price: $40 – Full Semester or $10-$15 for Specific Course Topics.


The Note Takers Club (NTCs) are comprehensive notes prepared for Biochemistry courses by groups of students managed by BUGS. There are writers who assemble notes based on class material, editors who proof-read the notes, and coordinators who ensure everything is delivered to the students. NTCs cost $30 covering the whole semester’s lectures, and lecture sets (usually containing three lectures) are released each week. These have proven to serve as a great study aid to many students at McGill, and we have years of experience on our side. Anyone can sign up for writer/editor positions as long as they’re registered in the class; these job postings will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

For any questions, or applications to be a writer at the beginning of the semester, contact your U-rep at bugs@susmcgill.ca