Nomination/Campaign Period 2025-2026
If you are interested in running for an elected position on BUGS council 2025-26, you must gain signatures and submit the nomination period by March 5th! More information on our election page!
McMed 519This is a great opportunity to meet your peers, and we strongly encourage all mentor/mentee pairings to attend RSVP here:
BUGSxCUSS Country Night
BMP-COOP 3714 Park avenue, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaLine dancing lessons from 7:30-9:00pm! Cowboy attire encouraged!
BUGS Council 2025-26 Voting Period
The Voting Period will take place online through the Computer Task Force (CTF) Election System. Students are permitted to vote only once using their McGill User ID and Password. The votes will be counted and the results will be announced via our Instagram page, listserv and website in the week of March 19th, 2025.
BUGS Merch
The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here!! BIOC merch is now available to order! Get your gear today!! 👕🥼🧬🧪
Appointed positions BUGS 2025-26 Open
U2 vs U3 Laser tag!
On March 13th, at 19:00, U2 students face-off against U3 students in two games of laser tag for an epic, unforgettable, unprecedented battle. Who will emerge victorious?? Ticket link: Les Trois Monkeys 1455 Peel St, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1S4 We will be playing TWO GAMES!!!!! Limited number of participants :)