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BUMP Brunch

Calling all BUMP mentors and mentees - BUGS will be holding another BUMP brunch this Saturday, February 19 from 10-11am! This is a great opportunity to connect with your partner(s), and we strongly encourage all mentor/mentee pairings to come. If your partner can’t make it, you are still welcome to join! Zoom link:


Has the winter semester already started to pile up? Stuck in the library? At a desk? Feeling bogged down? The VP Social, U2 and U3 Reps present to you a frosty & fun solution: BUGS on Ice!! Come take a skating break with us on February 19th at Beaver Lake! (There will be free hot …

BUGS Krispy Kreme Sale

Leacock Building 855 Sherbrooke St W, Montréal, QC, Canada

Come join BUGS for a box of Krispy Kreme donuts ($10 for a dozen) at Leacock from 10am-3pm on Monday, March 21st (we will be accepting cash or e transfer!). 100% of the funds collected will go towards ensuring that the BUGS Career Symposium is free to attend for all interested students!

Intro to IHI

@U1s: Info session on the Interdepartmental Honours Immunology (IHI) Program offered by the Biochem, Physiology, and Microbiology & Immunology departments is happening soon! Smack dab in the midst of the application season! Come one, come all to learn more about the program and for a Q&A with students currently in IHI. What are the classes like? …

Cabin in the Woods

This is the LAST CALL for Cabin in the Woods tickets!!! Join us for our 6th annual Cabin in the Woods as we’ll be making a getaway to a beautiful chalet in Saint-Zénon from March 25th to 27th— guaranteed for a good time as we bond with new/old friends and destress from the mayhem known …

Gala at Gatsby’s: Annual Neuroscience, Biochemistry, & Physiology Formal

Bord'Elle Boutique Bar 390 Rue Saint-Jacques, Montréal, QC, Canada

The Biochemistry Undergraduate Society , Neuroscience Undergraduates of McGill , and Physiology Undergraduate League of Students  request the honour of your presence at the Gala at Gatsby’s: Annual Formal on March 30th, 2022. Transport yourself back 100 years to 1920’s New York at Bord’elle Boutique Bar and Eatery  — the swankiest venue in Vieux-Montreal. This exclusive and sophisticated 25+ …

IHI & Friends Trivia Night

Now that you know all about IHI, how about coming to join us for a night of trivia  Meet people and study(?) the topics will cover bioc/phgy/mimm etc…. so it kinda counts as studying…right? Come flex your massive wrinkled brain, win prizes, and the respect of all your classmates. IHI and friends all welcome  RSVP …

BUGS x PULS U1/U2 Casino Night

Gerts Bar 3480 McTavish St, Montréal, QC, Canada

Save the date! On Thursday, March 31st from 8-10 pm, the BUGS U1 and U2 representatives are partnering with PULS to host a Casino Night at Gerts! Join us and your fellow biochemistry (and physiology) peers for a fun night of drinks and games! Open to all years.

McGill Biochemistry Career Symposium 2022

Trottier Building 3630 Rue University, Montréal, QC, Canada

Have you wondered about life after your B.Sc. in Biochemistry? Are you wondering what career possibilities lie ahead of you once you graduate? Well fear not, because BUGS is bringing back our annual McGill Biochemistry Career Symposium!!! At this event, you will have the opportunity to hear from a diverse group of alumni who did …